Quick October Update

As of this writing, we are a few days away from the November 2020 election. We shall see.

Masks are still a heavily debated topic. I can’t understand why. There is so much compelling data available about the dangers of extended mask use, I have no idea why people can’t see that continuing to advocate them is dangerous.

What’s worse, you have people who see it as a moral imperative. If you don’t wear a mask, you are somehow immoral. And if you can’t wear a mask, you have no excuse in their eyes and are somehow endangering them.

Nobody said logic has anything to do with any of this panic porn.

The condensed version of the dangers falls under a few categories:

  1. Airflow: Wearing a mask for an extended period of time restricts airflow, making it harder to get oxygen IN and carbon dioxide OUT. Think what happens at high altitudes, squared.
  2. Microbes:
    1. First, the corona is too small to be effectively stopped from entering you through anything but a mask specifically designed to prevent viruses. Normal “face coverings” of plain cloth give as much resistance as a chain link fence to a mosquito. Second, the moisture the virus rides on gets stuck to that chain link fence, resulting in you breathing in past the virus caught there (increasing YOUR load) and breathing out past that same virus caught there (increasing the load you send to OTHERS). Think breathing through a furnace filter that’s been in for three months. Yuck. So you aren’t impeding the virus’ passage, but the ones that stick to your mask are more easily transmitted and in higher concentrations. IF the virus is there to begin with, not to mention other bacteria/fungi/etc. that also ride the moisture, get caught in your mask, and have the same dynamics as above.
    2. When people actually get sick from the corona, the mortality usually isn’t due to corona but to things like bacterial pneumonia overlaid on someone whose immune system is already worn out from fighting a viral infection… the corona is the shock troops, and when your troops are out of ammo and supplies, the enemies’ allies come in and wipe you out.
  3. Particulates: The masks aren’t invincible. If you wear a cloth covering, it WILL eventually fray, and those microparticulate fibers go guess where? Right, your lungs. And what happens when you breathe in particulate matter? Your body can’t remove it because it’s in dead end alveoli. Same problem smokers have with gunk, or asbestos workers had, or the “brown lung” and “Monday morning” sickness miners used to get before we realized how bad particulates were for breathing. So… wear masks day in and day out for months at a time, and not just health care workers but now EVERYBODY is ripe for particulates in their lungs, further impeding oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange and microbe trapping since your busy little immune cells are trying to wall off the foreign matter and invaders.
  4. Improper use: Most people continually touch their face coverings, leave them only covering the mouth but not the nose “so they can breathe”, or do other behaviors that render the mask’s purported protective function useless.

It’s more complicated than just these concerns, of course.

But somehow the mask worshipers see the moral mandate of “just wear the damn mask already” as more important than protecting themselves and others from the documented mask dangers.

And don’t get me started on how the Powers That Be throttle information transmission about the same. You couldn’t post anything about hydroxychloroquine as a treatment (has to be in combination with zinc and an antibiotic) without getting your account taken down on social media, and articles about mask dangers get labelled “false” by the almighty leftist Fact Checkers who have set themselves up to be the arbiters of truth in a world where truth is what the PTB say it is and nothing else.

Welcome to Orwell’s 1984. The Double Plus Ungood Think is alive and well.

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